WPLC and OCLC holdings background and questions

At the July WPLC meeting, there was an agenda item for expanded OCLC holdings:

“Currently titles purchased from OverDrive are set to show a single symbol in OCLC representing WPLC. It may be more effective to include symbols for OCLC public libraries in Wisconsin since they are more likely to be discovered  by WorldCat users.”

Presently, WPLC has a subscription to get OCLC MARC records with holdings set:

  • in an automated process, OCLC searches for bibliographic records to titles we buy through OverDrive
  • all record matches get a holdings symbol of P@W set in WorldCat that represents WPLC
  • a file of records is sent to me, and I forward it to a contact person in each system or with each online catalog to be loaded into the ILS

OCLC is willing to also set holdings for individual libraries or systems according to our specifications. This will not change how the MARC record contact gets or processes the files of records. It will affect how patrons and catalogers and ILL librarians see the titles in the OCLC interfaces and in WorldCat.org:

  • there will be no charge for this service
  • librarians will see their library’s holdings symbol on these records when using Connexion and WCRS interfaces in their daily work. It may be helpful for pre-order searching to know that titles are available to patrons via the Digital Download Center.
  • holdings will not be added to records retroactively; this will start will files processed after August 1, 2011
  • some libraries/systems add holdings to the records already, but won’t have to make an effort to do so anymore

Please contact Jane, jrichard@wils.wisc.edu, if you have questions.