Digital Archives Backup Collaboration Workgroup

Workgroup Charge

The Digital Archives Backup Collaboration Workgroup will provide project expertise and make recommendations to the Technology Steering Committee on project budget needs and governance structure for the digital archives backup collaboration project. 

The digital archives backup and storage platform will safely store archival copies of digitized materials and metadata from public libraries from any participating Wisconsin public library system into equipment hosted in two data centers (South Central Library System and LEAN, WI). The purpose is to provide proper storage of digitized materials. This project is in partnership with Recollection Wisconsin. 

Workgroup Members

Keetra Baker, WLS
Alison  Hoffman, MLS
Andrew Hoks, SCLS
Kristie Hauer, WVLS
Joshua Klingbeil, WVLS
Scott Prater, UW-Madison
Tamara Ramski, SCLS
Vicki Teal Lovely, SCLS
Kristen Whitson, WiLS

Project Resources

Current Meeting Documents

  • Need Meeting: June 16, 2025

Past Meeting Documents