The WPLC Delivery Workgroup makes budget and policy recommendations related to statewide intersystem delivery service to the WPLC Board for formal approval. The Workgroup makes all decisions relating to the day-to-day operations of delivery including:
- Coordinating communication and oversight of daily statewide service between systems, both within different regions and statewide
- Continuous service improvement efforts, including:
- Collecting delivery volume and cost data to be used for service analysis
- Exploring statewide hub connection route service improvement opportunities
- Developing intersystem bin tracking systems
- Developing a connection to Illinois like exists with Minitex
- Exploring innovation improvements such as automated materials handling at sorting hubs and electric vehicle options/uses
- Sharing best delivery practices, tools, and templates
- Cooperatively work with and purchase from vendors when feasible
- Ongoing statewide delivery service cost analysis, improved cost-sharing model development, and annual cooperative budget development.
Kristen Anderson (WRLS)
Corey Baumann (SCLS)
Marcy Cannon (WLS)
Steve Heser (MCFLS)
Alaina Morales (St. Norbert College - WAICU)
Katlyn Noack (IFLS)
Angela Noel (SWLS)
Steve Ohs (PLLS)
Joy Pohlman (DPI)
Julie Pohlman (UW System)
Clairellyn Sommersmith (WLS)
Current Meeting Agenda
The Workgroup meets monthly on the first Friday of the month at 9:00am.
Meeting Notes