Wisconsin's Digital Library is one of the most popular public library ebook and audiobook services in the country, and many of its users want to know how they can support the library to make it even more valuable to them, their families, and the broader community. There are a number of ways to support Wisconsin's Digital Library and we hope that you'll find this information helpful.
Donate to Wisconsin's Digital Library
The demand for ebooks and audiobooks in the collection is high, and while we are as resourceful as possible with the budget we have, you can help us purchase more items for the collection by donating to Wisconsin's Digital Library. You contribution is tax-deductable and you can pay with a check or by credit card and we'll use 100% of your donation to purchase content for the library according to the Collection Development Policy. Donate today!
Participate in the WPLC's Annual Patron Survey
The Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC), which manages and funds the library, reaches out to library users every year in late winter in its annual Patron Survey. If you see this survey at the top of Wisconsin's Digital Library, please take a few moments to share your thoughts with us.
Become a part of Wisconsin's Digital Library Patron Focus Group
Between yearly surveys, we have deisions to make regarding the library and rely on patron input to make those decisions, so we have a patron focus group who we occassionally consult on questions about or potential updates to Wisconsin's Digital Library. Historically, we have sent about a question a year, so you don't need to worry about us flooding your inbox. If you'd like to become a part of that patron focus group, contact us using this form.
Recommend Titles to Purchase
You can recommend up to three titles every 30 days directly in Wisconsin's Digital Library. To find titles to recommend, just filter your OverDrive search by "Recommend to Library" and click the Recommend button. Read more about recommending titles through OverDrive or read about how and what content we select for the collection in the Collection Development Policy.
Return Your Checkouts When You Are Finished
When you no longer need to have a title checked out, return it instead of waiting for the lending period to end. This helps the collection circulate more quickly and reduces the time the people who have the title on hold wait to get it. Most formats can be returned early and the process is fairly simple.
Send Your Feedback
Between surveys, we still want to know what you think! The best way to share your feedback is through this form, which will go directly to your local library.
Talk to Your Local and State Representatives
Let your elected officials know that you support both digital and physical libraries, and think they should, too. Give them a call, write a postcard, or participate in the Wisconsin Library Association's Library Legislative Day.
Learn More About Digital Materials in Libraries
The American Library Association (ALA) Libraries Transform Initiative as well as other organizations such as Readers First are working to support the importance and usability of library digital collections.
Keep Using the Library - and Tell Your Friends!
Your continued patronage keeps the library vital, and be sure to let your friends and families know about Wisconsin's Digital Library. And if you can't find a title you want in Wisconsin's Digital Library, you will likely find it at your local branch by visiting them or their online library catalog.