Changes to Content Reserve

Dear Library Partner,

This note is to inform you of updates planned for your Content Reserve account. Below is a summary of the changes that will be implemented later this week:

1. Location of Holds Manager and Download Standing Order Plans:

The location of the automated selection tools in Content Reserve, Holds Manager Plan and Download Standing Order Plans, will move to a new location under the Collection tab called SelectExpress™ (Collection tab > SelectExpress).

2. Name change for Download Standing Order Plans:

The automated tool currently referred to as Download Standing Order Plan will change to Pre-Pub Standing Order Plans by Publisher.

3. Updates to User Rights and Permissions:

The Content Reserve user permissions will be updated. These updates will provide the ability to control use of the automated collection development tools, email notifications including when the Holds Manager and Pre-Pub Standing Order Plans by Publisher run and a purchase order is created, as well as advanced collection development features. Below is a chart showing the updated User Rights with their abbreviations:

User Rights

Required for

Which users will receive the new User Right

VP=View Profile Tab

Profile tab

All Consortium users with Manage Admin Users rights (not applicable for Advantage accounts)

MH=Manage Holds Manager

Holds Manager Plan

All users with Submit Select List and Manage DSOP rights, all Advantage users

Coming Soon: MR=Manage RTL Manager

RTL Manager

All users with Submit Select List and Manage DSOP rights, all Advantage Users

Coming Soon: MS=Manage Smart Lists

Smart Lists

All users with Submit Select List and Manage DSOP rights, all Advantage Users

Note: The administrator for your library’s or consortium’s Content Reserve account can adjust permissions if/as necessary.

Coming Soon:

  1. Smart Lists:
    Smart Lists allow you to create custom title selection profiles. With Smart Lists, you can enter factors into a selection profile including “What?”, “When?” and “How Much?” You can customize by author, series, review sources or publishers, and request titles not already in your collection. Options for Smart Lists include data-driven lists (e.g., Most Popular, On Patron Waiting List, Added within the last 30 days) and editorial lists (e.g., New York Times Bestsellers, Indie Nexts, etc.) You can choose to create a select list of titles within your selected profile or automatically purchase content according to the collection profile (i.e., set up a standing order plan).
  2. ‘Recommend to Library’ Manager (RTL) for Patron Drive Acquisition:
    With the ‘WIN’ Catalog (opt-in), users will be able to view and recommend titles from publishers’ entire catalogs; even titles the library has not yet purchased. This patron-driven acquisition tool will be controlled by the ‘Recommend to Library’ (RTL) Manager. With ‘RTL’ Manager, you can measure readers’ interest and either manually select title by title or automatically purchase the most requested titles not already in your collection. You can also set variables to control the number and frequency of requests per patron.

If you have any questions, please contact Sara Gold at