WPLC OverDrive Check Outs

You might be wondering, like me, how many checkouts does the Wisconsin Digital Library have?

As of today, 6/25/2012, the WPLC had:Checkouts:

  • 1,769,860 since 2005
  • There were 36,607 current checkouts when the report was pulled
  • This is 1.7% of OverDrive’s total of 100,000,000 since they started in 2003
  • We’re consistently getting 89,000 checkouts per month, maybe 90,000 this month
  • We should see 2,000,000 checkouts about the first part of September

breaking it down:

  • Audiobook: 1,139,028 (Current: 8,874)
  • eBook: 598,428 (Current: 27,649)– which includes both Kindle and EPUB
  • PDFMusic: 13,775 (Current: 35): not actively collecting
  • Video: 18,629 (Current: 49): not actively collecting

Some Wisconsin Digital Library short stats:
As of July 2, 2012
Unique Library Patrons Checking Out Titles: 16,301
Purchased Titles in Collection: 19,522

Compared to 1 year ago, July 2, 2011
Unique Library Patrons Checking Out Titles: 616
Purchased Titles in Collection: 9,171
