Device specific How-to Guides from OverDrive

OverDrive has updated How-to Guides for your use:

Planning a training class for users of your OverDrive service? Get started now with OverDrive’s Patron Training Template.U.S. Libraries – reference the Kindle Demo PowerPoint for Kindle-specific slides you can incorporate in your training.

Patron Training Template

Customizable handout that outlines basic steps for getting started with eBooks on an eBook reader or mobile device.

eBook How-to Guide (Kindle)
eBook How-to Guide (U.S. libraries)
eBook How-to Guide (International libraries)
Getting started with Android
Getting started with iOS (iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch)
Getting started with Kindle Fire

Handout that outlines compatible computers and devices for eBooks, and required software.

eBook Cheat Sheet
