Latest updates to OverDrive Marketplace

OverDrive has made some recent updates to Marketplace to enhance options for searching, selecting content, and managing your digital collection. From OverDrive, the latest updates include:

More options for Smart Lists
In response to valuable partner feedback, we have made several enhancements to the Smart Lists tool, which is located on the Automate carts page under the Shop menu. Smart Lists help to automate cart creation for your selection team based on criteria that you specify. We have added more options to the Smart Lists, including new filters to create carts of popular, high-demand titles, with the ability to include or exclude preorders. Smart Lists now also include a new “Metered Access management” section for an easy, automated way to help your library repurchase titles that have expired from your collection.

New Curate user permission 
There is now a separate Marketplace user permission for creating curated collections to showcase on your public-facing site. Previously, curation was included as part of the Library site admin permission. This separate permission will help to ensure that your staff members have access to the most applicable tools and features in Marketplace.

Update to quick search bar
We have added new filter buttons below the quick search bar to help selectors focus their search term and generate quicker results.
The Basic and Advanced search options are still available from the navigation menu on the Shop tab for more granular searching.

Treatment of canceled preorders
In the event that a publisher cancels a preorder title prior to its street date, the title will now appear in the Recalled content report for easy tracking. Marketplace will also send an email alert for canceled preorder titles to any Marketplace users with Purchasingpermissions.

For this information with screenshots, see:
