Submitted by clark on
At the WPLC Annual Membership Meeting, there was a discussion about the organization's bylaws and many suggestions were offered on how to improve them.
The WPLC Board, recognizing this feedback, formed a workgroup to review and suggest changes to the bylaws, using the notes from the Annual Membership Meeting as a beginning point for the review.
The workgroup includes three representatives from the WPLC Board, two representatives from the Steering Committee, and one “library at large” member. In this way, both the systems and contributing libraries will have equal representation on the body.
The Workgroup met on August 8, approved their charge, and discussed the process they will undertake for the revision. They will be using the information from the annual meeting as a starting point, and would encourage anyone who has feedback on the bylaws or the notes from the annual meeting discussion to send it to
The process to revise the bylaws will be iterative. The workgroup will create a first draft, share this version with the community for feedback, and modify based on the feedback received. They would, however, welcome feedback at any time during the process, so please feel free to send any comments to