WPLC User / Non-User Research Program Proposal Information

As we begin the WPLC User/Non-User Research Program today with the very first webinar, we wanted to make sure to share information about the proposal process so you can plan out your research project using what you learn during the webinar series.

To refresh you on this process, following the webinar series, the WPLC User / Non-User Survey Workgroup will invite proposals from library community members for their own research projects.  Applicants are required to have attended or viewed all four webinars. Up to five projects will be selected by the Workgroup to receive two free, private consultations with Morrill Solutions Research: the first on creating and deploying the surveys or other research methods outlined in the proposal and the second to learn to analyze and make meaning of the results.  The materials developed during this process and the data gathered will be freely shared with the WPLC community.

For those interested in submitting a proposal, you can find information on the WPLC site about the important dates for the program, proposal submission guidelines, and the selection criteria the Workgroup will use when deciding which proposals to fund.  Proposals will be accepted from April 26th to May 26th and should not exceed four pages in length.

Please contact wplc-info@wils.org with any questions.
