WPLC Strategic Plan

Starting in June 2024, the WPLC engaged in a strategic plan process to understand existing strengths and new directions for the consortium in the coming years. This strategic planning process centered the WPLC membership and engaged numerous stakeholders in the following steps.

Development of a Mission and Vision
Members of the WPLC Board were invited to complete a questionnaire to inform the development of a mission and vision statement that reflects the values and purpose of the WPLC. 

Review of Existing Information
The WPLC completed data gathering that was examined during the planning process, including a SOAR exercise and the results of a visioning session. The results of these activities provided key themes.

Focus Groups
Three focus groups were held during the planning process, two focused on members and partners and one with WPLC project managers. In total, there were 26 attendees. Attendees came from library systems and member libraries, directors and staff, with wide regional representation. Additionally, there were attendees from key partners such as DPI and Recollection Wisconsin.

Member Survey
A survey was designed to solicit information on understanding of the WPLC, satisfaction with its services, and priorities for the future. 278 public library and system directors and staff members participated in the survey, with public library directors and staff making up ~90% of respondents.

The WPLC Board approved the goals and objectives of the plan at their February 2025 meeting.