Next WPLC meeting, Thursday Sept. 8, 2011

The next meeting of the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium will be held on Thursday, September 8, 2011 at South Central Library System in Madison.  Those unable to attend in person are invited to attend via GoTo Meeting; a link to the online meeting room will be posted with the agenda. Anyone wishing to propose an item for the agenda should do so by Friday, September 2, at 4:00 pm.  Agenda items already planned include:

  • Discussion of WPLC’s planning and future directions
  • Discussion of WPLC’s structure
  • Report from the Selection committee on revision of the collection development policy
  • Report from the Vendor selection committee on progress to date

A draft of the minutes from the July meeting is attached.

WPLC Minutes July 7 2011

Jim Trojanowski
DirectorNorthern Waters Library Service