Summer Library Program Promo & Libby "Lanes" | Did You Know?

Get Ready for the Summer Library Program

It’s almost summertime, and just like our physical spaces, Wisconsin’s Digital Library is gearing up for the Summer Library Program. Here’s what you can expect to see from WPLC about summer library programs across WPLC/WDL communication channels:

  • Libby Call to Action Banner: In June and July, the landing page for Libby app users will display a banner with a general message about summer reading. 
  • Wisconsin’s Digital Library Social Media: Look for Facebook and Instagram posts connecting the Digital Library to summer holidays and events, including a celebration of National Dairy Month in June!

Remember—social media posts are designed and written to be reshared/reposted on your library’s social media accounts! 

What’s Up With Libby “Lanes”?

A screenshot image shows a view of the Libby application. The section related to Libby "Lanes" is highlighted.

Have you or a patron wondered what it means when a Libby user is “in two lanes”? You might see a screen like the screenshot here. 

The highlighted "in two lanes" text should direct patrons (and staff!) to this help article explaining “lanes” in Libby.


The Did You Know? series spotlights features, tools, and other resources available to library staff, including patron-facing folks, to expand their know-how about Wisconsin’s Digital Library, OverDrive, Libby, and the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC).