Get to Know the WPLC | Did You Know?

Many of our Did You Know blogs focus on tips and tricks related to Wisconsin’s Digital Library or WDL – but what about that other acronym, WPLC? What is the WPLC, who makes it up, and how does it relate to Wisconsin’s Digital Library?

WPLC stands for Wisconsin Public Library Consortium. The consortium was formed in 2001 as an organization in Wisconsin where library systems could partner on projects that move libraries forward through experimentation, research, and development. 

Wisconsin’s Digital Library is a project of the WPLC. You can check out the other consortium-coordinated projects here.

Each library system in Wisconsin is a partner in the WPLC and has a seat on the WPLC Board. In addition to the Board, several committees provide guidance and govern different aspects of the consortium and its projects. The full governance structure and system representatives are in the Governance section on the WPLC website.

Attention WPLC selectors: if you are a selector for one of the digital library’s Advantage accounts, you might be interested in this upcoming OverDrive Wisconsin Public Library Consortium Training on September 26 at 10:00am. You can learn more and register for this webinar here.

The Did You Know? series spotlights features, tools, and other resources available to library staff, including patron-facing folks, to expand their know-how about Wisconsin’s Digital Library, OverDrive, Libby, and the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC).