Check Out WPLC's Strategic Plan!

We are pleased to announce that the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium Board approved the first-ever WPLC Strategic Plan at its February meeting. The plan includes a mission and vision statement and three strategic goals with measurable objectives to guide the consortium’s work over the next three years.

View the WPLC Strategic Plan Document.

Get to Know the WPLC | Did You Know?

Many of our Did You Know blogs focus on tips and tricks related to Wisconsin’s Digital Library or WDL – but what about that other acronym, WPLC? What is the WPLC, who makes it up, and how does it relate to Wisconsin’s Digital Library?

WPLC stands for Wisconsin Public Library Consortium. The consortium was formed in 2001 as an organization in Wisconsin where library systems could partner on projects that move libraries forward through experimentation, research, and development. 

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