Submitted by damon-moore on
We are pleased to announce that the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium Board approved the first-ever WPLC Strategic Plan at its February meeting. The plan includes a mission and vision statement and three strategic goals with measurable objectives to guide the consortium’s work over the next three years.
View the WPLC Strategic Plan Document.
The approved plan is the culmination of a multi-phase process over the last year. Hundreds of WPLC stakeholders contributed to the process through the member library survey, focus groups, or the Visioning Session held in the Fall of 2023. A planning committee oversaw the process, which consultants at WiLS facilitated. Many thanks to everyone who contributed their time and energy to the plan!
What comes next? Many of the goals and objectives will be activated through activities or projects that are or will be worked on by WPLC committees, workgroups, and Project Managers. Others will be assessed through surveys, polls, and conversations. Progress on the goals and objectives will be measured through ongoing review, assessment, and refinement to keep the plan active over the next three years. WPLC will share updates on the plan’s activities and progress. This is a great time to follow the WPLC blog and/or subscribe to the WPLC announcements listserv.
Do you have questions or comments about the WPLC Strategic Plan? Contact the WPLC project managers at or contact your system’s Board rep. To learn more, join the WPLC Board at the in-person Annual Meeting on April 4th, or attend the virtual Listening and Feedback Session on April 25th. (More information about those meetings coming soon!)