Beginning November 1, 2019 WPLC and all WPLC Advantage accounts should not purchase any embargoed Macmillan ebook titles. Between November 1st and December 20th, the WPLC will further discuss and research options for taking action and will have a plan by the end of this time.
On behalf of the WPLC Steering Committee, WPLC project managers have put together a Q&A for patrons about the Macmillan changes. Systems and libraries can use the below information to share directly with their patrons. This information was also sent out to the WPLC patron focus group (a group of over 5,000 Wisconsin Library patrons who have opted in to provide feedback to the WPLC).
For WPLC Patrons:
Thanks to the work of the WPLC Social Media Committee, we have launched a Facebook page for Wisconsin's Digital Library!
The primary audience for this page is you. By having your library follow the new Facebook page, we hope to make it easier for you to promote Wisconsin's Digital Library to your patron audiences. Just share the posts with your library's Facebook followers!