For Library Staff

Youth Services Staff WPLC/WDL Survey Follow-Up | Did You Know?

Today, we wanted to say a huge thank you and share an update with the many youth services staff members who participated in the YS-focused survey that WPLC project managers shared in February. The response was fantastic, with 231 people filling out responses and representation from every library system around Wisconsin. 

How will the survey responses be used?

Here are some tangible action items you can expect to see as a result of the information shared through the youth services staff survey:

Deep Search & Notify Me | Did You Know?

Maybe you’ve heard about them, but what exactly are the “Deep Search” and “Notify Me” features in Wisconsin’s Digital Library/Libby, and how do they affect library staff in OverDrive Marketplace and at the service desk?

“Deep Search” is a feature that allows patrons to search for and locate materials that are not currently part of their library’s digital library collection. 


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