WPLC Meeting, July 7th, 2011

The next meeting of the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium will be held Thursday, July 7, at 10:00 am. We will meet at South Central Library System in Madison and via GoTo Webinar. Connection information for those who prefer to attend remotely will be sent closer to the meeting date.

If you have a topic you would like to have placed on the agenda please send it to me by Monday morning, June 27. The Digital Media Funding Committee will issue its report in time for approval and the Budget Committee will also ask for approval of the 2012 budget.

To help tell us what you’d like WPLC to do, we’ve posted a survey so we can identify priorities.  If you haven’t completed the survey, there is still time to do so.  You can find the survey at


The Digital Media Funding Committee has completed its report and we will seek its approval at the meeting.  A copy of the report is attached.  Thanks to everyone on the committee.  I think we did a good job in a short period of time.

Digital Media final report

Here’s the agenda:

WPLC July2011 Agenda

Here’s the July 2011 Budget report:

2011July WPLC Budget

Here’s the proposed 2012 WPLC budget:

WPLC Budget 2012 — proposed (1)

Here’s the 2012 WPLC budget based on the meetings decisions:

2012 WPLC Budget accepted

and the May Meeting Minutes:

WPLC- meeting minutes-May 11, 2011

Jim Trojanowski, Chair
Director, Northern Waters Library Service
3200 E Lakeshore Dr, Ashland, WI 54806
Phone (715) 682-2365 x11